Sunday Nature + Photo of the Day October 22, 2023

Autumn Wildflowers

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Sunday Nature

This photo was taken on the same day as the one above. In the area where we took our side trip, the land is set to grow wild and be a haven for the flora and fauna of the area. I noticed the wildflowers here primarily because they are purple - my favorite color. They stood out on this day because of the greens and browns of fall.




Photo of the Day 293/365

Autumn Colors on a Country Road

I took this photo this week while out on an errand. I had my youngest with me and we were heading to pick up some soil. I decided on a side-trip to a game-land area to try to grab a few photos and this view greeted me as we drove down the dirt road. It is so less traveled that I was able to stop in the middle of the road to get this photo. The colors can be amazing in the Autumn.

Quote of the Day: "Gratitude is one of the least articulate of the emotions, especially when it is deep." - Felix Frankfurter






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