Sunday Nature + Photo of the Day October 8, 2023




 Sunrise Colors and Leaves

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Sunday Nature

I took this photo earlier this week. I happened to catch some very vibrant colors just before sunrise and wanted to do "something different" with my composition.  I walked under a little copse of trees and managed to get the colors coming through these leaves and really liked the shot.



Photo of the Day 281/365

A Nice Sky to End a
Day of Celebration

We were leaving a wedding celebration last evening when I looked across the venue and the sky was lit up with sunset colors. It was very chilly so my wife headed off to the car while I grabbed a few photos. This one was one of the nicer ones. This sky was a really nice way to end the evening.


Quote of the Day: "A beautiful spirit, lifts others near it." - Bruce Adler



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