Time Travel to the Age of Steam

A visit to the Bluebell Railway in Sussex  A trip back in history. As in this photo, no evidence that this was taken now and not eighty years ago. 
Here is the link!


  1. Love your post. Thanks for the write up, Geoff in your personal blog. Beautiful captures!!

  2. Excellent Geoff! Such a wonderful adventure!!☺️

  3. Very nice Geoff. Must do it myself sometime.

  4. Thanks to you all. In reality, I did go back in time in my time machine. Unfortunately I had to come back to the present as my camera battery was very low.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a great set Geoff. I know someone who would love this post, Piotr. I told him to contact you since he is planning to go to Uzbakistan and for some reason I thought you had been there. Anyway, my favorite photo in the set was of you and your daughter& son inlaw? reflection in the window as a picture of Paolo was taken on the train.

    1. Yes, I was there but a number of years ago when it was still part of the Soviet Union. Yes, that was mw with daughter ans sob-in-law on the Underground. "MIND THE GAP!"

  7. Love od choo choos Nothing like riding an old steamer, I was able to ride one when I was a kid. This whole set was fantastic loved all the captures thanks for sharing


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