Tuesday Art + Photo of the Day October 3, 2023

Abstract Lines of Sunlight

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Tuesday Art

I took this photo in our powder room. The lines from the morning sun were streaming through the blinds and resting across the wall. The lines struck me and I took this photo. It seemed artistic and while I don't think I'd print it (I prefer landscapes), I still think it worthy of showing.




Photo of the Day 276/365

Autumn Colors on the Way

I took this photo last weekend while on a walk at our local State Park. This tree was seemingly ahead of the pack in terms of autumn colors. Almost all of the trees were still wearing their summer greenery but this one seemed to want to lead the pack. I do not want to wast any opportunity to capture the colors of autumn so here is my first volley.

Quote of the day: "Wisdom is knowing the right path to take. Integrity is taking it." - Mindfulness Institute




