Tuesday Art

We are back to MOCA Museum, Bangkok, Thailand - Part 2. I am unable to complete the series on 'ART' and will try again next week.

I was fully aware that I was there to view the paintings, etc but the gentleman below caught my eye. I think it was his dressing, the bandana and sunglass. He was carrying a Leica, too. 

In the photo, he might / might not be looking at the painting as he was posing for the camera - not mine but his companion. I simply love his pose. Of course, I have forgotten to photo the titles and the artists of the paintings. The paintings were found on the 2nd floor (I hope my memory served me well) and the theme was "Religion, Faiths, Beliefs"

Edit: I have searched intensely for this painting artist and all that I noticed that it has a very similar style to  the painting entitled "Serinity" by Surasit Saokong but I cannot confirm that he was the artist.

So, what was happening in the painting below? I have failed again! I have completed forgotten once again to capture the title and artist. Thanks to John D, the painting's title was " Engaged in Combat" by Prateep Kochabua (2012)

What caught my eye was the magnificent red wall and the gold frame. The two visitors were discussing about the painting.

This painting was also on the 2nd floor -  "Religion, Faiths Beliefs"

I love this.
It was called "We will meet again" by Pichad Chatpatcharapinyo.
Fiberglass 220 x 160 x 200cm (2015)


  1. Such an interesting museum! Here's the title of the second image https://pbase.com/piet01/image/159153454 found it through Google Lens; the first one didn't come up and my browser guard tells me the museum's website has malicious activity, so...

    1. Thanks, John. I have updated the story accordingly.

  2. Looks like you "failed" your way to success, Nancy! I love all three of these.

    1. Thank you, Tom. Just a little frustration on my part that I have forgotten such a simple task!

  3. Nancy, #1 made me sit and stare for a long time. The composition is fantastic! I love how one has the view of the wall in front of the man and then him standing next to this huge painting. And of course what caught your eye, his pose and his outfit, all add to the beauty of this shot. I also like #3 partly because of the art itself, interesting poses, one can come up with so many "stories" as to what is happening among the six standing there. But I think what you added, because of the composition, makes entire scene very eye appealing. You definitely have an eye for beauty.

    1. Thank you very much for your compliment. The MOCA museum is really awesome! It left me with an amazing impression and memories! So many interesting angles to shoot especially with people!


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