Wednesday Minimalism + Photo of the Day October 11, 2023

Sky and Houses in Silhouette

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Wednesday Minimalism

I took this photo earlier this summer when our church had Vacation Bible School. I was there early wtth my wife and noticed a coming storm. One of the windows in the church is clear and was facing away from the coming storm and before it hit, I managed to get a shot of the sky with the surrounding homes against that sky making for nice silhouettes.

Photo of the Day 284/365

Bright Sunset over the Farm

We had to make a quick trip to my in-laws last evening to try to settle some paperwork issues. On the way, we say the beautiful sunset but we were trying to hurry.  We pulled off at the foot of a wide valley and I was able to get out and use my longest lens to get this shot. The farm was maybe 1 - 1.5 miles away and the sun just lit up the farm and surroundings - what a great opportunity.

Quote of the day: "Be helpful. When you see a person without a smile, give them yours." - Zig Ziglar


  1. The sunset with the silhoutte of the silos photo is beautiful which definitely brings a smile.😊


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