At the market

 When having a good time, times fly by. It has been already 5 weeks ago when we went to Thailand for our yearly holiday and visiting the faùily. Yesterday we arrived again in wonderfull cold rainy Belgium.

We had a wonderfull time, just relaxing, enjoy the local foods and the warmth of the people there. It is my home from home.
 I will start of with some pics of the market, this is not the normal market but a bit of a festive market. Bacause the dragonboatraces were going on, more about that later.

Most markets are 95% food a&nd sweets, but you can get many things, from kitchentools, clothes and many small things.

This is so tasty, but soooo sweet almost pure sugar.

These litle buggers and are a good source of proteine. Long considerd as a poor mans snack, you are seeing it more and more.


  1. How FUN!!! To start the sharing of your trip with photos of the market. I'd be spending a ton of time around that market. Now that you are back I say "Welcome back!" Looking forward to more posts.


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