Images Exposed
Daily Photo Challenge
Wednesday Minimalism
This photo was taken over a decade ago, likely in Maine or New Jersey at the coast. The gulls were flying and, as always, I try to pick out singles to make an attempt to capture. Usually, the photos are blurry or look bad. This show is one of my best - they shadows are just right, the light on the gull is just right. It was a good shot and the only other things in the photo are clouds.
Photo of the Day 333/365
Moon and Pastel Clouds
over Beach Grass
I took this photo over the Thanksgiving holiday on our vacation to Cape Cod. If you saw my post a few days ago, you would have seen an awesome sunset sky over the ocean. This was the view that greeted me as I turned around. The moon had risen and was peeking out among the softly colored clouds over the beach grass. It was beautiful.
Quote of the Day: "As one goes through life, one learns that if you don't paddle your own canoe, you don't move." - Katherine Hepburn
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