Sharing Your Photos in A PDF Ebook Portfolio: Why and How

Sharing Your Photos in A PDF Ebook Portfolio: Why and How 

The title above is from a very interesting blog post I wanted to share, by the gifted professional photographer Sarah Marino.  She and her husband Ron Coscorrosca are nature photographers, but this is a topic that applies to any kind of photography.

I wanted to share this here in case anyone is interested in doing something like this.  I might even decide to do this myself.

She explains why they prefer to publish collections of their stories and photos in PDF ebooks rather than posting the collections in a website gallery or on social media.  She discusses the software they use to create the ebooks and gives a good sense of what's involved in putting the books together.

They have several free PDF ebooks available for download on the website, so you can see what they look like.

The link to her post is , and there's a link at the top of her page to the ebooks they've created.  


  1. It's a really good idea - I've done that often for family, but have done more for the Senior Planet photo group for which I am administrator. I'm doing a series of Zoom discussions on basic photography since most of the members are very inexperienced cell phone photographers. Here's a link to my PDF of the Google slide show I presented recently - I post them afterwards for folks to review or for those who didn't make the session.

    1. Have you ever used a publishing software like Affinity Publisher for a photo project?

    2. No - I own Affinity Photo but, to me, it's sort of like LR/PS lite. Hard to use and not too flexible. I have, when I was teaching, used Adobe Publisher, but quickly turned to PowerPoint, then Google slides. And, I didn't have to fork over cash that way to Adobe. Most of my folks don't care about the "fancy extras" and I can do a Slides presentation and turn it into a PDF in no time. I've done hundreds when I was a Technology Coordinator. Here's one I was working on for some holiday flowers:

    3. Here's the final edit I was doing for Senior Planet - trying to get folks to take photos of something other than out-of-focus snowy landscapes and pets🤣


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