Sunday Nature


135mm, f5, 1/400, ISO320


  1. Loving your edits. This background "movement" is superb.It's got a touch of ICM and yet a place for me to focus my eyes.One of the reasons I am not a big fan of ICM, too much distortion bothers my sight if that makes sense, but this one has the right balance for me. Well done!!

    1. Thank you so much! I understand the difficulty many have with ICM because of the lack of focal point. This was s "straight" image with background textures applied both in ON1 and SPE. I'm working toward, in my true ICM, the goal of that blend of color and shape that suggests whatever subject your eyes choose to see, much like the Impressionist painters. However, I do also work on those that have a clearer subject in the midst of movement - they're just really hard to pull off. I ain't that good yet.☺️

  2. I'm not big on ICM either but as Camellia suggests the balance on this is nice


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