Thursday Expression + Photo of the Day December 7, 2023

What's Next?

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Thursday Expression

This photo was pulled from my archives. It was taken during an informal meeting of our Computing Services team and this gent, a consultant and friend of mine, at the time, just seemed to be wondering what was next for him and for us. It also reminds me how much life has changed since we know what was next.


Photo of the Day 341/365

Cold Blue Day on Cape Cod
National Seashore

I took this photo over the Thanksgiving holiday and it epitomizes the ocean scenery for me. The sand, the clear blue sky, the sea grass, and the gulls in the water - all come together to make it a classic beach scene. I will remember this past trip for quite some time. I will go back, hopefully when it's a bit warmer, though.

Quote of the Day: "Disappointment, as painful as it is; cannot destroy our sensitivity; It is innate. Isn't it wonderful to have magic in your heart?" - Akila


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