Traditional dancers

Together with the blessings of the boats and the praying and not forget the political chatter; there are dancers. They brought some traditional dances in their local costumes.

What I found striking is that there were not many young dancers in the groups. So had to check that why that is. As you are in the big tourists places and you see some dancers they are quite young, but if you leave the tourists scene it is another story. Finding new dancers seems to be a problem espescially for local groups.

There are big schools where they can learn the dancestyles, but they look elite to me.

I was standing very close to the dancers, sometimes even a bit to close. Could even walk in the VIP section. They had seen me talking with one of the politicians and many came to shake my hand. So maybe they thought I was important.

The second group that was performing ;the age of the dancers was even older. But all of them still had the natural grace and got respect from everybody.



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