Tuesday Art + Photo of the Day December 5, 2023

Rose on White

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Tuesday Art

This photo was taken MANY years ago - even before I had a photo studio.  I seem to remember that I was experimenting with backgrounds, lighting, and still-life photos. This photo, was done, as I recall, to overexpose the background without completely losing the rose and leaf highlights. I think I managed to succeed on this one shot and have been happy with it through the years.





Photo of the Day 339/365

Stairs on the Trail to the Sunset

I shot this photo on what I thought was the last attempt to see the sunset on one of our hikes on Cape Cod. We were trying to get to the setting sun on "the Knob" and following trails. We had no map, but the spit of land was not very big and we figured "why not?". We knew the direction of the sunset and you can see the light just touching the grass at the top of the stairs. We DID make it and saw the setting sun, but this image was one which I will treasure for the memory of that moment.

Quote of the Day: "Creativity is all about experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes… but most above all about having fun!" - Unknown





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