Wednesday Minimalism + Photo of the Day December 6, 2023

Foggy Evening

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Wednesday Minimalism

I took this photo just a few days ago. I was out walking the dog in our front yard and noted just how foggy it was. The fog muted most of the sounds and sights. I looked at the end of our driveway and noticed that the streetlight was sending rays of light through the misty night. I decided to try to capture the sight and mood with my iPhone. I think this captured the mood and atmosphere of the shot.



 Photo of the Day 340/365

Late Afternoon Sky
over the Inlet

I shot this while on the trail to see "the Knob" on our Cape Cod vacation. The evening was cool but clear and comfortable. The skies were amazing. We hiked for quite some time and saw some really cool trails and scenes. This was one of those scenes. The lapping water and the colors in the sky were amazing.


Quote of the Day: "Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised." - J.R.R. Tolkien


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