
 Going on with the picture of Thailand. Taking a break from the boatraces, we went to Elephant world. Just about 30 Km from our home and it is a visit we make every time we are there.
I love elephants, for me they are the real Royalty in the animal kingdom.

This fellow in the first photo is 93 years old.

Still looking good for his age

This guy is 52 years old and is the biggest elephant in the camp.  You can not always visit this fellow because he sometimes plays not nice with people. This time we were lucky , his keeper was there and we could see this giant.

From this guy I bought a ring made from his hair, man they have big hair. Most of the time we buy something there, you help them to keep the elephants. Only feeding them costs a lot of money.

On the way back home, my niece, 13 years old and a handfull, wanted to show me the cows that they are raising.

After that visit we went home and there is the housedog greeting us.

This fellow is a case on his own.  Daytime job , is sleeping , Nighttime job is keeping us awake together with his friends. They are with about 7 than and howling and barking a good part of the night.
He hates water, put one drop on him and he is gone.  when waiting for food you can try to splash him a bit.

His lordship waiting in front of the kitchen for his meal


  1. Great images of the elephants. I know a dog like that one - thinks he owns the placešŸ¤£

  2. Love all the captures the first one has such good detail well done

  3. Thanks for posting, Peter! The images are great and I enjoyed the stories.

  4. Although I mostly use the Facebook Images Exposed, I do try and browse through the Blogger site regularly too. As for commenting, I also mostly do that on the Facebook versiĆ³n. However, I am glad to have entered today, otherwise I would have missed viewing all these other lovely images. For me, "Images Exposed" is like being a child with separated parents. you now live with one of them, but you love them both !!!!

    1. That is way I still put a link on the fb page for my posts. Many stzy stuck on fb and not join the blog.


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