Old Wooden Stairs
Images Exposed
Daily Photo Challenge
Friday Forms
This photo was taken when we toured a very old church in our area. When I took this, I had never been in this church before and took it all in. It was, to me, a classic Colonial American church. Mostly white everywhere, Wooden pews, raised pulpit, and the floors were rough hewn wood. These stairs led to the upper seating and I thought the pattern of the stairs was worth capturing.
Photo of the Day 26/366
Vivid Golds and Blues at Sunset
This shot was taken a few weeks ago. I took a series of shots of this sunset and, for the most part, the skys were just too - blah. This one, when zoomed in and at the moment the sun came out from the clouds, the sky just lit up and the colors seemed to go crazy good. I only got one shot like this before the sun was hidden again.
Quote of the Day: "Be bold. If you’re going to make an error, make a doozy, and don’t be afraid to hit the ball." - Billie Jean King