Frundryss, The Calm

 High in the " Iron Mountains ", you can find Frundryss , The Calm. One of the last fire drakes.

Frundryss does not bother himself with the kind of people. He is happy feeding on wildlife and an occasionally sheep or cow.
Like most drakes and dragons , Frundryss is attracked to gold and treasure. Feeling at his best when he lies ontop of it.

Only when entering his lair, trying to take his gold. you will not leave and become a human dragon treat.

"Who dares to come in my lair and wake me up. Are you here for my treasure? Come and let me see you."

"So there you are, thiefs, are you prepared to take the full impact of waking me, I can feel the fire in my belly grow. Beware you shall not leave here and  ,Frundryss has a feast on your bones."

" But not to worry, one will survive, just a bit damaged, so he can go and tell of Frundryss, The Calm, How I spared him, and warn the kind of people not to come and seek my treasure."

So it went on for as far time could tell, and Frundryss still sleeps on his treasure.

I got myself a new toy. A friend of my is starting 3d printing and gave me some dragons to play with.

I was surprised the details they could achieve with this technique. For me , it was a good reason to do some product photography and have some fun with my new buddy Frundryss.

hope you guys like some dragon fun.


  1. I am so gullible! I actually looked up Frundryss before reading all your commentary and seeing the word 3rd printing. I am really impressed with the detail of your new friend.

    1. They can print almost anything. In great detail. Oops seems I kept you busy🐲🐉🐲


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