Monday Closeup + Photo of the Day January 15, 2024

An Old Wind-up Toy

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Monday Closeup

This photo was taken a number of years ago when I had just opened my old photo studio. I was just getting it set up and pulled out a toy I had played with in my youth.  It was an antique even then and that was 50+ years ago. The toy worked and we set it off across a display case and this is where it came to rest. I still have that toy and it still works. It still a cool toy.





Photo of the Day 15/366

Clouds Trying to Hide the Setting Sun

The sun was setting and I had to run an errand with one of my kids. While my offspring went into the store, I endeavored to find a way t get a shot in the parking lot. This is what I arrived at. It took some editing, but this image is representative of the sky I saw. The variance of colors and the hidden sun make this a good shot to me.

Quote of the Day: "Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." - Buddha



  1. Just shows the quality of items that were made years ago. The old Timex motto comes to mind. The monochromatic scheme you used does add to its antiquity.


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