Saturday Choice

 Take an ordinary chrysanthemum blossom...


and a UV flashlight...

                                                                        and then play with blending a glow filter.

What else is there to do on cold, rainy days?

Oops! Forget to add this one!!




  1. Exactly what you are doing.....must try since the UV flashlight has been sitting around gathering dust.

  2. Dark room, 30sec. exposure, then simple editing for the first - dynamic contrast, sunshine masked on the center and vignette. The second has HDR Look added and a glow filter in exclusion blending mode. I've tried several flowers and most don't do much. But, you sure can find dust with it🤣

  3. They are are nice captures but I like the first one for the detqil

    1. Yep - detail doesn't come out with UV to the same degree. But, getting detail was not the point - it was to see what tones and colors that light would produce on a natural object. I like, in the words of Capt. Kirk, to boldly go...

  4. From photo to painting. Interesting journey


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