Sunday Nature


Back in the files again, from 2002. Taken with a Kodak DC4800 (3MP) during our traditional winter beach retreat with a group of friends. Not as cold as it is here now, but standing in the dark on the beach, waiting for sunrise, was always a little sporty!☺️


  1. That's a really nice shot, well worth a walk to the sand on a cold morning. I looked up your DC4800 and found a couple of recent YouTubes extolling its virtues.

    1. I loved that camera. Gave it to a student when I got the DX 6490, another great camera.

  2. Gorgeous colors and then add that reflection and you got a winner in my books.

    1. Thanks! One of hundreds, along with sunsets, I had taken during those beach trips. Like my Spain folder, I'm digging back into my beach images. Must be getting old☺️

    2. You're not getting old, John. You just don't want to go outside at the moment and freeze to death! Better to stay inside with a cup of coffee and scroll through your photo files. ☕

  3. Love it, certainly worth digging that one out


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