Thursday Expression + Photo of the Day January 4, 2024

A Dark and Gloomy Place

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Thursday Expression

This photo was taken from my archives and, to me, expresses a mood or expression of darkness and gloominess. I've never posted nor printed this photo - it has expressed the mood all too well and can bring on a sense of depression. The host expressed my mood at the time and I remember why all too well but it definitely fits the day's theme.






Photo of the Day 4/366

Wild Sky Just After Sunset

As I left my office last evening, I noted the sun setting in the west.  I wasn't feeling like it was a great day, but I thought I'd try to get to a good photo spot.  On the way, I found a spot to see the sunset, but the sun had just dipped below the horizon. The sweeping clouds - almost brush strokes made the sky great and worthwhile.


Quote of the Day: "People need dreams,  there's as much nourishment in them as food." - Dorothy Gilman



  1. Your sunset photo is beautiful, as usual. The first shot is one of my favorite that you've done.


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