Tuesday Art + Photo of the Day January 2, 2024


First Try with ICM

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Tuesday Art

I was out for a walk this past week and the day was rainy and dreary. I had to photograph SOMETHING. So we decided to walk part way up a dead end road beside a field.  I saw some colors beside me and on a sunny day, it would have been nice, but with a lack of bright light, I thought I'd try ICM and this is what I got. I thought it was not bad for a first attempts.





Photo of the Day 2/365

Sunrise Red Sky over the Pond

I shot this a few weeks ago on the way to work. I noted the sky colors and initially, the sky was not this ready but as I neared the farm where this pond is, the clouds moved and the sky reddened. I had to stop and try to grab a few shots. I got two before the red changed into more "mundane" colors. I liked this one.



Quote of the Day: "Obstacles can't stop you, problems can't stop you, and most of all, other people can't stop you. The only one who stops you is yourself." - Unknown 


  1. While ICM is not my favorite style of photography, a few always catch my eye, as did this one. I believe the colors and the softness of the image is the attraction. Bravo on your first attempt.

  2. Nice job on the ICM, and of course the sunrise is beautiful.

  3. I am all for trying different things.


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