Tuesday Art + Photo of the Day January 9, 2024

Patterns in Nature

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Tuesday Art

This photo, from my archives, shows the simple patterns I found while out on a walk. I categorized it as art and not nature or closeup because of the patterns and artistic swirls that nature provided. I could picture an abstract artist creating something like this and nature did it for me - so for me, it's art.





Photo of the Day 9/366

Old Tree and Grass in the Snow

I took this photo over this past weekend. We received our first "real" snowfall in about 2 years.  I was out for a walk, trying to find something photogenic. The sky was still that solid gray with no hints of blue breaking through or of any sunset colors - just steel gray skies. There were a few darker patches but nothing that would fit my normal liking - so I found this scene by the road. It does have a "Wyeth" feel to it, which I like, so I'm pretty happy with it.

Quote of the Day: "Running away from the immediacy of our experience is like preferring death to life." - Pema Chödrön 





  1. I really really like the first one. The leaves are beautiful by themselves, and the ridges in the leaves gives a feeling of motion (to me). The colors also help. Good one!


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