Tuesday Art


You saw him the other day, today he became my art. 

Been practicing using gradient masks with path blur, This particular photo has 4 layers of the gradient mask placed on it. I've been seeing a lot of Josh Adamski's photos on Fb ( apparently Fb decided I like his style 😉) His newer art has really hard colorful lines, some generated by how he adds the blur and others by the gradient tool. Haven't figured out how yet, hence the practice. 

Also, for those interested...for a long time Adamski's art was created by photos he captured, now I am noticing more composites rather than photos.....maybe that is why I can't get my colors to look like his. 

They say copying is a compliment. But seriously not sure Adamski deserves a compliment.

True story.....The Belgian guy, Olivier Rocq, whom I've been following for the last year or so, did a tutorial on Adamski's style using Photoshop, about a year ago (yes that is were I picked up the style). Literally, the day he posted the tutorial he got an email from Adamski telling him to remove the tutorial due to the fact that his art is his art and no one can copy. Well that went over like a lead balloon since there is no such thing as "copyrighted style"; using a blur filter to create a style of art doesn't make it yours and only yours......arrogance!

Of course, the tutorial is still up and available for anyone to copy. 


  1. Bravo! Great masking! Remember when we were doing a bunch of these ( https://jtd99.blogspot.com/2022/05/it-was-very-blurry-day.html ) and I stopped because the images weren't acceptable in the "pure" ICM community? I finally quit those groups! I still try to get the best "movement" through ICM, but, if needs be, am OK adding some motion blur. I remember the kerfuffle about Adamski's claim and, like you, was put off by his petulance. He didn't invent using blur on exposures and certainly can't own a style.

  2. Not my cup of tea. But your result is very good.

  3. Like Peter says above but does look quite effective


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