At Last!

 Our winter has been mild with above 0 degrees for many days, rain and pessimism but the stalwart crews of the National Capital Commission (NCC) have worked very hard and the canal was open yesterday.  By the time I got there the crowds had started to thin out but there were still many skaters taking advantage of what might turn into an historic occasion.  Was I taking photos of potential history?  We are indeed living in times of climate change...


  1. Great captures of a nice wintery day. Indeed how the climate has changed. After years of wintering in Florida, this is the first year where I have had to wear a sweater for days on end. Today's tempereature 13 C. But the redeeming factor here is that there are more sunny days than Illinois during these months.

  2. Fantastic captures of snow covered areas looks like there are a whole lot of people having fun in the snow on the first capture well done on all the captures

  3. No problems being called Nancy as her images are terrific!

  4. In hunderd year they will say, look they could skate on the canal. I like them. Here just grey rainy days and also to warm for the season


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