Friday Forms + Photo of the Day February 2, 2024


Old Red Car at the Auto Show

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Friday Forms

This photo was taken last weekend at a local auto show. I was with my son and his wife. I was also trying out a new camera that I purchased (Fuji x100F) and got down low for this one. I really like how the vehicle is almost perfectly symmetrical and the red just made it pop for me. The angle almost makes it look like it's smiling.




Photo of the Day 33/366

Sunset and Lonely Trees

This photo was taken a few weeks ago before the recent snows. I looked back through some of my photos and had missed this one, somehow. I remember that the sun was just setting and I could not get a clear shot of it. The clouds were great by not the view, so I decided to shoot through the trees and here's the result.


Quote of the Day: "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations." - Unknown



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