Monday Closeup + Photo of the Day February 19, 2024



Details of a Lighthouse Lens

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Monday Closeup

This shot was taken a number of years ago. The scene was in New Jersey at, I believe Cape May Point lighthouse. You could get close to the old lens that had magnified the light going out to sea. I have looked at and admired this shot for years, but never had an opportunity to show it before so I'm happy to have this chance.



Farm in the Glow of Sunrise

Photo of the Day 50/366

I took this photo last week on the way to work. The sunrise was stunning of the new snow. As I wrapped up my shots of the sunrise, I turned around to get back in the car, I saw this scene. The glow of the sunrise was illuminating the western clouds and this farm was on the horizon. The colors were spectacular and I had to get this shot.


Quote of the Day: "Knowledge is potential; action is power." - Unknown



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