Not Minimalism

 I've been rather lazy as far as making entries on my personal blog, but today lent itself to be a day just for that.

 This entry does not fall under the minimalist daily entries, therefor the obvious title. 

But the Ibis below will take you to my blog entry if you are interested in reading and looking at more photos.


  1. A great park! Loved the turtle and carp images - the carp was probably eating the algae off of the turtle's shell.

  2. Good stuff! Like John, I especially liked the turtle & carp shots. The colors and the patterns in the water were really nice, and it was nice effect when they were mostly underwater.

  3. So nice to see colours tht are not winter!

    1. The only thing I miss about winter is the snow shots.....but I am willing to forgo.😉

  4. Seems you could come close to the birds. Very nice place


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