Saturday Choice


My favorite image of all time, from 2002. Inside the palace of Charles V at the Alhambra, Granada, Spain. I sat on those steps for about 15 minutes, waiting for other tourists to pass. Taken with my Kodak DC4800 - I have found an original, complete kit on eBay and ordered it. $50 - should be here in the next week. Sweet!


  1. I love this! Well worth the wait. Naturally, I had to look up the camera...looks like a nifty one, but I ask...what happened to your original camera?

    1. Thanks! I still have my Nikon and Lumix - this is just a nostalgia camera for me. I had so many wonderful images from it, especially at the beach. It's only 3MP but does something I haven't seen in cameras of this vintage - in addition to JPEG, it will shoot 8-bit TIFFs! In 2000, I paid almost $500 for it. Renders monochrome extremely well.

  2. Wow what a cool deal and nice capture love the depth of the capture

  3. Great photo. I did the same ,bought back the camera where I started with. A Yashica FX3. And still love using it.


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