Thursday Expression



  1. Wow, that's striking! Great colors, and that's a beautiful expression on the girl's face. Beyond that, I can't tell if this is a display, or if those are real humans some effects applied.

    1. That is part of a bizarre "attraction", here in the home of Elvis, the truly weird. It is the Crystal Grotto, located in a cemetery. I did a post on it on my old Blogger post. Better to read that one to get the whole story:

    2. John, that link takes me to my personal Blogger edit page where I can access all of my various Blogger sites -- but not yours. The URL had been changed away from the one your shared. I think Blogger didn't want me poking around in your business! 😊

    3. Link didn't work for me either 🙁

    4. Yeah, I forgot that it's part of the authors stack. Here's the correct on:

    5. That place is mind blowing! So is the story behind it. Who knew a concept like that could emerge from the mind of an insurance company owner? Great shots, by the way.

    6. Thanks! The place is so hard to photograph inside because it's a small cave with low ceiling and the lights sometimes aren't all working. That and the reflections of the large quartz chunks set into the walls and ceiling make for tricky exposure. I have been there several times and met people from all over the country who come specifically to see this - it's apparently part of a pilgrimage for some Christians.

  2. Replies
    1. That ain't the half of it - see the link I put in for Tom S.


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