Friday Creative + Photo of the Day March 29, 2024



Digital Art of San Francisco

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Friday Creative

I took the photo that this effort was based on, over 10 years ago. It is the quintessential scene of a street car in San Francisco.  I then used a couple of "apps" on my iPhone to make this digital art. I know my favorite, Moku Hanga was part of the art, but I believe I used a digital painting simulator, too. In any case, I enjoyed being "creative" and determining what I could do to make the scene something worth keeping.


Bands of Sunset
Clouds with Trees

Photo of the Day 89/366

While at our karate school last evening, I kept seeing the clouds change and become more beautiful. Since I am one of the head instructors, I don't feel I can just leave to take a photo. A number of my mates told me to look and then told me to GO TAKE A PICTURE, so I did - this was one of the best results! Thanks to my dojo-mates.


Quote of the Day: "Discipline is making the choice between what you want now and what you want most." - Anonymous


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