Friday Forms - Registan

Registan Square is the heart of Samarkand, Uzbekistan. It is best to come here before the sunrise. A nice conversation with security guards and a “facilitating fee” will let you spend one or two hours alone with all its architectural splendour. Zahraddin was kind enough to let me climb one of the minarets to have the finest view. 

Once ticket office opens and tourists stampede the square, the place loses a lot of its charm.


  1. Replies
    1. You bet. It was worth it. No tourist in sight no sellers of tatty souvenirs.

  2. Fantastic structure nice capture Tourists always take away good captures

    1. Yes, it was very nice and so quiet. I had similar experience in Gizeh. Our Egyptian company drivers were kind enough to arrange visits when the site was closed to the public. Contemplating pyramids when there is no one around - priceless.

  3. Always have liked that color of blue

  4. Blue, azure, turquoise - my favourites.


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