Making a Living- 0laza de Armas, Arequipa

This post is,about the people working in the main square of Arequipa, Peru's second largest town. Last time, my post slowed down the system and Csmellia and John had to do some fixing for me. Thanks to them both. I truly hope I have done it correctly this time. Here is the link:
Making a Living-Plaza de Armas, Arequipa


  1. Very nice street photography. Lots of sweet smiles.

  2. Great images! And we did correct it this time...againšŸ¤£

    1. Thanks John for your help. I am a slow learner. Been speaking to Camellia. She thinks i pressed the wrong button. I do hope i get itcright the next time!

    2. No problem Geoff - when I post a link to my SmugMug website, I make sure I post the image directly from my computer, not as a link and never use "original size" option.

  3. Geoff, this photos are awesome! I like the way you combine street photography with stories about the people. I wish I could try the queso helado.


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