My try at ICM

 On a walk in the city ,I tried a bit of ICM ( intentional camera movement ). Whzen done good the results are very pleasing.
Our friend John is a inpiration to me when it comes to ICM, he is quite good at it.
I like to aply it on the street, still seeing the shapes of people.


  1. I like what you have done. I too like to see the shapes, too much distortion doesn't appeal to my eye. Yours seems to have just the right amount of ICM.

  2. Most excellent Peter! Street scenes are perfect for ICM. Alas, I have no streets! Check out these practitioners: and

    1. Olga karlovac I know gonna check out the other one

  3. Oh my, you all inspired me with your ICM!! Thanks for the inspiration, Peter and thanks John for the link. I like very much Frankandree works. I might try again ICM one of these days.


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