Saturday Choice + Photo of the Day March 30, 2024

Going Home from the Beach

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Saturday Choice

This photo was taken on our trip this past fall, to Cape Cod. I fell in love with the place. It combined qualities of other ocean destinations I love, and I want to go back. I really like the leading lines of this photo along with the memories of my time with my wife, on Cape Cod.

Beautiful Morning
in My Front Yard

Photo of the Day 90/366

I took this photo earlier in the week. When you see this sight just getting into your car, you stop, and marvel at the day. In my case, you take some photos to try to capture the beauty, too. But on that day, it was an awesome start to a great day. The day proved busy, but just as nice as the sunrise.


Quote of the Day: "Don't sacrifice the good times just because you're busy worrying about the bad times. Let it go and make the most of the present." - Unknown



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