Sunday Nature + Photo of the Day March 17, 2024


Tiny Purple Flowers

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Sunday Nature

I shot this photo yesterday at our local plant and flower store. Spring has definitely sprung (not officially, though). They had a plethora of flowers and I captured a number of shots but purple is, as some know, my favorite color.and the deep green was nice for St. Patrick's Day. I'm enjoying the warmer temperature and the beauty!


Sunday Down the Road

Photo of the Day 77/366

I took this photo last evening. I was out walking in the golden hour trying to find interesting subject and found a few. This one caught my eye. The sun had just set and the clouds were lit up in oranges and golds. The road presented almost always has traffic on it. To catch it, just then, with no vehicles, was nothing short of amazing. I did like the leading lines and the clouds and how it all came together to lead us into today.





Quote of the Day: "Yesterday is but today's memory, and tomorrow is today's dream." - Khalil Gibran

