Tuesday Art ala Tom Snider

 My take, with Tom's permission, on his post today using the original image.


  1. Interesting capture looks like trees blowing in the wind

  2. Thanks, John, that's a definite improvement. The colors are much better, and I like the added boost to the center of the image. However, it still has the problem that almost caused me to delete it in the first place: what is the subject, or the message, or whatever? The ICM shots that you and others have posted have generally had some identifiable subject -- i.e., a picture of X presented in an interesting way. I feel like even abstract images should have some feature that makes them pleasing -- symmetry, texture, motion, contrast, etc. This one doesn't really. I'd tried some editing tricks to try to ressurect it, but it I don't think I improved it. Sorry -- it's weird of me to be complaining about the picture that I myself chose to post, but that's photography!

    1. Not weird at all - it's the way you see it. I belong to and post to several different ICM groups and the one thing I never do is try to explain or give a title to my images, as do most others. I am careful in what I post here because of this group's reaction to the abstract. To me, abstract art is for what the viewer gets out of it, not what I intended. What I got from this one (edited) was, as Tom said, new growth on tress blowing in the wind - the essence of spring. It's just a joyous natural movement that makes me want to get out and see something like that for myself! I enjoy, as I told Camellia in today's post, the literal, but I really love the abstract impressionistic images as well - my restless imagination needs a playground. I'm getting a bunch of them together for my Senior Planet group for next month and will try to lead them through how to make both styles.☺️


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