Tuesday Art + Photo of the Day March 19, 2024


Primitive Ducks

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Tuesday Art

I took this photo during our last visit to Winterthur Museum. The owner had enough resources to collect anything his heart desired and one of his passions was Americana. These duck decoys are very early ones in his collection. I hope that the ducks that looked on them had bad eyesight - but for art's sake, and for the time they were made, there were great examples. I thought that the triplet of them looked like a mama and her ducklings.




Big Sky just before Sunrise

Photo of the Day 79/366

I took this photo yesterday, as usual, on my way to work. The sun was just about to make an appearance, but I was concerned that the clouds would squeeze it out.  So, I took my chances and tried for a wider view. In the end, I was right and the sunrise was hidden behind the clouds, but so be it!  I got a nice sky-scape with different cloud patterns, and wonderful colors - so who's to complain!


Quote of the Day: "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." - Jack London




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