Tuesday Art

These are random photos that caught my eyes while walking early in the morning before the crowd arrived and which meant that the shops have yet to be opened for business.

This was a legal massage centre that uses the Chinese meridian system  and not at all sleazy.  

The painting caught my eye and if you are wondering, 'Cendol' is a dessert.

This shop has all your party needs hence the ballons ... I was told that there was a unicorn display outside but as mentioned in the introduction, I was way too early to see the unicorn

This was a quote from Cesar A Cruz. I googled the name Cesar A Crux  and so is this him ? I have not heard of Cesar A Cruz and learn something new

Here am I trying to be artsy ... creating a heart shadow with my arm and the camera to say 'bravo' to the painted guy diving into a tea cup!

 A local crochet group clothed the tree in a fitness park. The pink one in the middle - cycling; above it - skipping; the rest was walking, jogging, etc


  1. BRAVO to you!!! Loved everyone of the photos, some more than others (#2, 3, & 5). Thanks for adding the links. Never have had a 'Cendol' but sounds delicious and never heard of Cruz, but the quote is quite inspiring. I scrolled up and down to figure out how you did the heart shape...that is quite inspiring.

    1. Thank you, Camellia. The heart shape was simple - the morning sun cast a shadow on the wall and all I had to do was to make sure my body was hidden, crooked my arm and holding the camera to form half of the heart shape :)

  2. Wow Fantastic Well Done love the money changer one

    1. Thank you, Thats Life with Tom and Jovi. The money changer was an eye catcher!

  3. I love them all. You take great pictures, and you go such interesting places! I'd thought the Cruz quote sounded like something Woody Guthrie had said, but my research led me to a web page that traced the basic phrase back to the early 1900s:

  4. Such great observations and very creative compositions☺️


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