Wednesday Minimalism + Photo of the Day March 20, 2024


Grass in the Fading Sunlight

Images Exposed Daily Photo Challenge

Wednesday Minimalism

I took this photo last weekend. I actually spied this image and thought to try to capture it for the Minimalism challenge. It's not often I have that much forethought. But I did and was able to capture the last bits of sunlight hitting these tall grasses. While (to me) not frame-worthy, still pretty neat.


Sunrise Sky Almost on Fire

Photo of the Day 80/366

I took this photo the other morning with my "big" camera with my longest lens. I was trying to capture a glimpse of the sun rising but to no avail. The clouds were streaming down and this was one of the last shots before the veil of clouds dropped over the rising sun. There was SNOW falling from those clouds!



Quote of the Day: "A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down." - Arnold H. Glasow



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