Which do you prefer?

 Continuing what I think is a wonderful discussion of preferences in art, and specifically ICM photography, begun with Tom Snider's post today, here are two examples of ICM taken within 2 minutes of each other at the Botanic Garden yesterday. They are included in my SmugMug post from today, but I thought that side by side would be a good measure of preferences. So, #1 or #2?




  1. I'd go with #1. It's really pretty with great colors arranged (sort of) in layers. I don't know about the second one. I don't feel like the lower part (the flowers) and the upper part (the people & baby carriage) work well together. If it were mine I'd probably crop off the bottom so the top edge of the flowers divided the frame into two equal pieces.

    1. Gonna wait to react until my liege lord, Queen of all She Surveils, responds.

  2. Like Tom I would go with #1. ICM is not really my thing but with just the soft colours it's OK . The blurry hard background in #2 doesn't work for me, it distracts. Just the view of a philistine 😉

  3. #1 for me....the background is too distracting in #2. I know I said I like to have my eyes rest on something when it comes to ICM, but in this case when you have a totally different color and movement as you do in #2 ( I see 2 movements, not sure if you did both moves, but the flowers are moving up and down while the background looks like it's moving side to side) it's too distracting. Now had you cropped out the background in #2 I would have picked that photo as my prefered because of the slight clarity.

    1. This went as I thought it would - #1is my favorite, also, because it's more impressionistic. #2 works for "pure" ICM crowd on one site who enjoy the human element and more decisive movements. #1 is for the "new impressionistic" group, as was the original posting yesterday. There were two movements on #2 - but there were on #1 also. And, to return to the original posting with the woman on the promenade, that was NOT an ICM. It was a "straight" exposure that I manipulated, as you did with the Adamski effect. So many ways to get so many looks. I do understand many who wish for more clarity in an image - personal preference.☺️

  4. Thanks to all for the interaction. Be sure to claim your prize for participating by opening the email from the Bank of Nigeria and clicking on the link "Where my money at?" Trust me🤣


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