Saturday Choice + Photo of the Day April 27, 2024


Old Barn in the Afternoon Sun

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Saturday Choice

This photo was taken some months ago on a road trip to northeastern Pennsylvania. This was a grab shot from a moving car. For some reason, this scene reminds me so much of the area I grew up in. We had many farms where the barn looked very close to this. That was 50+ years ago and they're gone now but, ah, the memories.


Late Afternoon Sun
across the Valley

Photo of the Day 118/366

This photo shows the view of the last rays of sun crossing the valley. Many times, I'm looking at this valley at sunrise. The angle of the sun and the mist that rises gives me wonderful sunrise views but on this day, I happened by at the end of the day and noticed the view. I thought it was very much worth capturing.

Quote of the Day: "Regret is such a short word… And yet it stretches on forever." - Ranata Suzuki




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