Sunday Street Photography + Photo of the Day April 28, 2024


Protestors on the Street

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Sunday Street Photography

This photo was taken at least 20 years ago as the protestors were in front of the building where I was working. They were protesting the "fracking" industry in Pennsylvania and I worked for the state's environmental agency at the time.  I snapped this from across the street before returning from lunch into a side entrance.



Old Farmhouse
in the Sunset Glow

Photo of the Day 119/366

This photo was taken at the end of the winter season, just as spring was making it's entrance. The trees had not shown any foliage yet but the temperatures were acceptable for walks. We were walking on one of our back roads when we decided to take a detour down a "dead end" road. This view greeted us there. 


Quote of the Day: "Seeking serenity seems to me a more reasonable ambition than seeking happiness. And maybe serenity is a form of happiness.." - J.L. Borges



  1. In my opinion serenity is definitely a form of happiness and your second photo accentuates serenity.


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