Shadows in the Carport
Images Exposed
Daily Photo Challenge
Tuesday Daily Life
This photo was taken earlier this year while I was waiting to go on an errand. I can't remember whether I was waiting on my wife or my child but I remember standing in the cold, waiting. I moved so the sun could be on my back and get a little warmth, when I saw the shadows. I thought that I might as well get a shot or two. I got this one and then everyone came out, ready to leave. The photo's not print-worthy (in my opinion) but does go with "daily life".
Late Spring Afternoon
at the Lake
Photo of the Day 114/366
This photo was taken last year at the lake. I was taking my normal, longer than I expected, hike on the lake shore trail. The day was waning and I was moving to get back. The afternoon was leaving and the clouds seemed ominous, so I was rushing to get back to my car. I came across a clearing with this view, so I had to stop. I climbed my way out onto those rocks and tooka few shots - this one was the best.
Quote of the Day: "Painful truth is a thousand times better than illusion, no matter how beautiful it is." - Unknown
Only the Shadow Knows