Tuesday Daily Life + Photo of the Day April 30, 2024

Spring Day on Campus

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Tuesday Daily Life

This show was taken just last week on the campus of the University I work for. It was a warm spring day and the students were taking advantage of the outdoor seating and the wonderful weather. I saw them all out in our green space and thought I'd snap a few shots. This is their daily life. Finals are coming, though.



Morning Sun Shining
Through the Trees

Photo of Day 121/366

I took this photo yesterday morning when I went out to my car. The colors of the red leaves with the sun shining through time along with the surrounding greenery almost took my breath away. The view is in my front yard and while I don't have the quiet country views of our last home, this one is pretty great.


Quote of the Day: "Sometimes life doesn't give you something you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve more." - Unknown


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