Wednesday Nature + Photo of the Day April 10, 2024

Sparrow at Rest

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Wednesday Nature

This photo was from our last home. We had a bird box in our front yard. We hoped the blue birds would host there, but that only happened the first year. After that, other birds took over. This sparrow was one of those. We placed it so we would see activity and during the non-winter months, it rarely disappointed us.


Stormy Sky over the
Farm and Fields

Photo of the Day 101/366

We went out for a drive last evening to try to catch a sunset. Well, the sunset got quickly overtaken by an incoming storm front. We drove the country roads for some time and I tried to grab a few photos where there was something interesting. I really liked this shot for the colors, the clouds, and the scenery.


Quote of the Day: "If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present." - Roy T. Bennett



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