Monday Monochrome + Photo of the Day May 27, 2024

Gone but not Forgotten

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Monday Monochrome

This photo was taken in a very old cemetery very close to our last home. The tombstones where old and some had settled, while others, I'm sure, were vandalized. However, every year, despite the church being disassociated with the cemetery, people would come and decorate the tombstones with flags where they had served. I liked the angles of this photo and the sentiment in brings. They aren't forgotten..





Memorial Day for Those who Gave it All

Photo of the Day 148/366

This photo was taken on one of our trips to St. Louis, Missouri. We were getting a tour of the old State Capitol and I looked up to see this HUGE flag hung from the rotunda. The flag is a historical one with the number of stars that were there when this building was the state capitol. The lighting and the colors, and the sheer size of this flag, really made the photo pop for me. I'm not political, but in the USA, I hope we all remember those who gave their lives to protect our freedom.





Quote of the Day: "If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to." - Dorothy Parker



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