Saturday Choice + Photo of the Day May 18, 2024

Rainbow through the Windshield

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Saturday Choice

Last weekend we were out running an errand and on the way home we noticed a rainbow. It was actually a double rainbow but we could not get over so I had to capture what I could. Rainbows are fleeting at best so I did my best to capture images while my wife was driving. This was the best of the bunch. Between raindrops, windshield wipers, trees, and power lines, sometimes - you need to be happy with one. This is that one (for that day, anyway).




Afternoon Rain Clouds

over the Field

Photo of the Day 139/366

This photo was taken a couple of weekends ago. We had had many dreary rainy days and we went for a drive. We saw a break in the clouds and drove to a spot we knew would have a chance at a nice view. The spot didn't disappoint and the sky broke for a short time and I was able to gather a couple of photo. This was one of the best.


Quote of the Day: "Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labor does the body." - Seneca



  1. Two nice ones. They both show that rainy weather does have some good side effects.


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