Sunday Street Photography + Photo of the Day May 19, 2024



On the Way to Work before Dawn

Images Exposed

Daily Photo Challenge

Sunday Street Photography

This photo was taken from my archives and was shot when I worked in our state's capitol. There were many times I arrived before the sun rose. With the sky starting to glow, I decided to try to get some photos on the walk in. At them time, the cameras were not very stable, so I seem to remember using a street sign to stabilize the camera and that the exposure was longer than I wanted, so I waited for a red light to get the shot.




Sunset Colors Despite the Clouds

Photo of the Day 140/366

This phot was taken earlier this year. I loved the grass up up in the field and the colors just fading despite the clouds - just painting the edge of the sky. The colors did not show, that day, until the very end. It had been a very gray day. The colors only lasted a few brief minutes before the clouds got their way and the sky became gray again.



Quote of the Day: "Don't be afraid to take an unfamiliar path. Sometimes they're the ones that take you to the best places." - Unknown


