Tuesday Daily Life


Everything came  out fine. Spent the night in the hospital, got home by 1pm on Tuesday and have been getting better rather quickly. That's how I roll. No real pain, just discomfort with the incision sites and muscle insult - he had to move things around quite a bit to fit this new fusion in but I knew that going in. As soon as the weather clears (looks like never right now), I'll be out walking the neighborhood.


  1. Woo hoo! Welcome back to the "out walking the neighborhood" side of life.

    1. Thanks! As soon as the monsoon season is over☺️

  2. YAY!!!!! Glad all's gone well. Be patient you know in no time you are going to say " Man it's hot today, need to jump in the pool". Seriously glad to hear all went well...looking at that chart there it was a "HIGH RISK".

  3. Great to hear. Keep up the progress 👍


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